Bendigo On Road Radio Control Car Club
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Member Profiles
This is where we'll keep our member profiles for anyone who is happy to share their details with us. It's a great way to put a name to a face and get to know everyone a little more.
We're going to start with one of our newer and younger members; Oscar Lord. Oscar was keen to share his details with us and in turn, we're rapt for you to get to know him.
Tony Gray
Where did you grow up?
When and where did you start RC racing?
84/85 (yes, THAT long ago) I was a founding member of the Keilor off-road club.
What are you driving now and what classes do you run?
Mini, TCR, Truck, Mod Buggy, Vintage Buggy, Short Course Truck.
What is the stupidest thing you've done to date relating to your RC car(s)?
Super-glued a wheel/tyre to my bare chest. BORRCCC: Photos please Tony!
If I could give one bit of advice to a newbie, it would be ....
Don't listen to Mat Jenkins. BORRCCC: Don't listen to Uncle Tony kids. In fact, general advice is do the opposite of what he says.
If you could call out any other member in the club for recognition, who would it be and why? (Skills, contributions, entertainment, good humoured ridicule etc....)
Gus (Jamie O'Brien) because he's awesome.
Oscar Lord (with Stephen Ballestrino)
Where did you grow up?
I live over the road from the track. BORRCCC: Oscar is still growing up obviously. He's 10 ;-)
When and where did you start RC racing?
Very recently. BORRCCC: Oscar has just joined us, along with Stephen, from September 2021 so are both very new to the club and racing!
What are you driving now and what classes do you run?
I drive a truck.
What is the stupidest thing you've done to date relating to your RC car(s)?
I haven't done anything too stupid yet.
BORRCCC: Whilst this is great to hear, be patient Oscar. You will have stories to tell, I assure you. I'll give you an example. Early on when I started, I was standing on the drivers stand, and everyone was gridded up to start. My shirt had caught on the metal of the drivers stand and as went to detach it, the shirt snagged and started to unthread. I was focused on not ruining my shirt and in trying to untangle myself, accidentally applied pressure on the trigger finger on my controller. I was completely oblivious to the carnage all around me as I continued to struggle with my snagged shirt and everyone else on the stand were dumbstruck by my car hurtling through them all and continuing on into the pits area. I can't recall how many cars I took out or what damage I caused. But my shirt was pretty stuffed too. - Dean.
If I could give one bit of advice to a newbie, it would be ....
If you wanna race, you need to help out too. Marshall. That sort of thing. BORRCCC: Sound advice Oscar!
If you could call out any other member in the club for recognition, who would it be and why? (Skills, contributions, entertainment, good humoured ridicule etc....)
Shout out to Stephen Ballestrino for igniting the fire, for including me, for showing me how to do things and for sharing his toys and tools.